Forums - Strider Infinites and Long combos Show all 33 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Strider Infinites and Long combos ( Posted by Master Strider 77 on 03:07:2001 10:13 AM: I need help figuring these things out. The highest combo I've gotten without using a speical or asst. was 22. If anyone knows anything better please post. ~The one the only Strider Posted by monstercombo on 03:07:2001 10:40 AM: what more do you want? I mean 22 hit combo is already good Posted by dairy queen guy on 03:07:2001 10:42 AM: jump in air land on them w/short-short, ducking short jab fierce, up, jabshortjabshort, short, up, jab, pause, short, pause, short, pause, fierce, minimal pause, roundhouse. off the ground w/fierce or short, most likely short though,, jump up IMMEDIATELY hitting jab after you hit them otg w/short, so after the otg it'll be in the air jab, pause, jab, slgiht pause, short, up, jabshortjabshortfierceroundhosue, crouch cancel when you touch the ground into throw w/roudnhouse. you can then otg after the throw if they're too dumb to roll which they probably aren't. don't know how many hits altogether but i do itagainst cpu all the time. i've done it in fights probably up to the short off the ground 15,20 times, up to the jumping hit right after short only 3,4 times maybe, one of those being the entire combo done once against a human opponent including throwing him at the end which killed him. he said "dam." it's all about practice and love for this game, love of competition. sorry if i made it hard to follow. catch you late. Posted by Master Strider 77 on 03:08:2001 10:33 AM: Thanks for the info Dairy Queen Guy. I'm still trying to figure out the part after you take them to the ground after the air combo. When I do it, it doesn't allow me to jump after I OTG the opponent. Any advice? ~The one the only Strider Posted by dairy queen guy on 03:08:2001 10:47 AM: it takes practice cause you really have to be holding on up/forward on the stick already while you're hitting short to otg them and you have to hit short-jab real real real quick to jump up and hit them in the air with the jab, and once you have that done you have to memorize how fast you have to hit jab, then still continue to the double jump part, then still remember that you can probably throw them at the end of it all when you land if you wait just a second or crouch first. do you have dreamcast and training mode? if you do, just remember that you have to hit short-jab real real real fast as if you're almost hitting them at the same time but not quite. and already be holding the stick at upforward jump. do you know the rhythm of strider's regular double jump? the hard part is not getting the double jump itself, it's connecting the part after the otg. after you're used to that it gets easy to do the rest of the combo. if you are having trouble you can just land on their body w/short then do ducking jab,jab,short,fierce, or simply jab,jab,fierce then when you uppercut them jump up and air throw then w/fierce. or just use that time when you uppercut them to start an oroborous. in mvc1 strider had a hard as fuck to do infinite after the otg, it was standing jab, pause, standing strong, slow down, standing roundhouse,, back to standing jab and it didn't work on all characters. i was only able to get the repetition to work myself 2 times in all the time i played mvc1 but i had a friend who did it up to 4 repetitions one time at the arcade. the timing on these strider combos is a pain in the ass man. you know strider's infinite against sent right? jumping short,short,fierce,roundhouse repeat. i have a new air combo now i made up just this morning, although it isn't a real combo it's more of a trick. it's launch to short,jab,short,pause,short,short, then double jump as soon as possible even though they're above you. this way you appear behind them, and you can do jabshortstrongforward ame no korubo w/jab or fierce. late Posted by Master Strider 77 on 03:08:2001 11:11 AM: Finally, I was wondering how to get a double jump combo to end up on the other side all the time. I've done it a few times when I was slow to double jump but that was about it. Do you know if the strider infinite still works on MVC2 cause if it does I'm going to make it a point to learn it. I have the DC version of MVC2 so I can use the training mode. As a matter of fact I know a pretty good combo. Start oroburos then do lp constantly till the time bar is almost out, then do lp,lk,lp,lk,fp or fk then psylocke anti-air asst. after that do Ragnorok after psylocke finishes saying psy-blade. It does about 60% damage. Also there's another one I know: Opp. in the corner,,j.lp,,lp,lk,lp,lk,hp or hk psylocke anti-air asst. hk vagula(teleport kick), OTG, lk,c.fp,sp,lp,lk,lp,lk,double jump,lp,lk,lp,lk,Lp exacalibur or hp,hk. ~The one the only Strider lp,c.fp Posted by dairy queen guy on 03:08:2001 08:08 PM: dam i totally forgot that you can call an assist at the end of oroborous to link to ragnarok. nice combos man if you pull that crap off in a real battle it must be real good man. by the way have you ever otg after a ragnarok? i did maybe only 2 times in mvc1, never in mvc2. i don't get it man it feels like ragnarok is the hardest move to hit afterward otg. maybe if you grab a person while they're a little bit off the ground alreadlike right after psylocke aaa it makes them a little bit higher than usual up there and you can off the ground with ducking short? anyway good combos man. 60% dam late Posted by J-dog on 03:08:2001 11:45 PM: Hey man hitting a 22 air with no assist or super is no doubt one of the best combos you can pull of with stryder. My highest was a 24. While still on the ground jump at the opposing character aiming for his head then hit Lk, Lk, in the air then when he reaches the floor hold down and another 2 Lk's the launch him thats 5 allready. then in the air hit him with Lp,Mp,Lk,then diagnol forward Lk. that should keep him in the air. then do it again Lp,Lp,Lk,df Lk then again and 1 more time then you can finish with lp,lp,fp. after the 4th time the diagnol forward Lk wont work anymore. later man. jose from milwaukee [This message has been edited by J-dog (edited 03-08-2001).] Posted by MarkyMark on 03:09:2001 12:51 AM: The only infinite of which I know is the infinite versus Sentinel (and ONLY Sentinel). j.WP, j.WK, j.WK, j.HP, j.HK, repeat. Mark Ryan Sallee Posted by Master Strider 77 on 03:09:2001 07:11 AM: Thanks for the help guys. The Combos with the psylocke asst. are the best ones I've done yet allowing me to get a 28 hit combo and cause the damage of most people's supers. I have never been able to OTG after ragnorok but it seems possible although the timing must really suck. I have another combo but it involves psylocke. It's:lp,lk,lp,lk,c.hp super jump lp,lk,lp,lk,up hk double jump, lp,lk,lp psy-blade hk, butterfly super, then on the way down (opponent falling from speical) call strider for a ragnorok. This one's a crowd pleaser as it looks crazy. The timing on this one is hard but once you get used to it you'll be popping that combo like asprin. You can also add another special to that to make it even worse(Magnetic Tempest, Captain Sword,or the funnest looking one Gamma crush.) By the way I've pulled this off during an actual match a few times so it's not too hard to get used to. ~The one the only Strider~ Posted by strider_hien on 03:09:2001 07:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by Master Strider 77: Thanks for the help guys. The Combos with the psylocke asst. are the best ones I've done yet allowing me to get a 28 hit combo and cause the damage of most people's supers. I have never been able to OTG after ragnorok but it seems possible although the timing must really suck. I have another combo but it involves psylocke. It's:lp,lk,lp,lk,c.hp super jump lp,lk,lp,lk,up hk double jump, lp,lk,lp psy-blade hk, butterfly super, then on the way down (opponent falling from speical) call strider for a ragnorok. This one's a crowd pleaser as it looks crazy. The timing on this one is hard but once you get used to it you'll be popping that combo like asprin. You can also add another special to that to make it even worse(Magnetic Tempest, Captain Sword,or the funnest looking one Gamma crush.) By the way I've pulled this off during an actual match a few times so it's not too hard to get used to. ~The one the only Strider~ damn! u kick so much ass with strider! i don't think you need help Posted by *Magneto* on 03:09:2001 08:24 AM: Magneto I got 40 without specials or assists... Fool! Your weapons are metal! And all metal is but putty in the hands of the Master of Magnetism! Posted by Master Strider 77 on 03:09:2001 08:32 AM: The reason why I did this was to become The Master Strider. I want to be so good with strider that the whole world will know about it. I plan on joining tounaments as soon as I get back stateside. If you ever hear about a guy named Jamaal kickin ass with Strider that's me. ~The one the only Strider~ Posted by Master Strider 77 on 03:12:2001 02:34 AM: Hello again. I'm still wondering if Strider's infinite on MVC1 works on MVC2. Also is it possible to jump into a fp or fk for an ground combo (lp,lk,lp,lk,fp) If it's possible I've never been able to do it myself. Thanks for any help. ~The one the only Strider~ Posted by supastar911 on 03:12:2001 09:34 AM: Hey Master Strider 77. Do u currently live in Okinawa? If u do I think I've played u. U use Strider,Psylocke,Magneto,Jill right? If u are him then I hope we play sometime. I'm usually playing Cable,Sentinel,Blackheart or magneto,psylocke,ironman. Posted by Master Strider 77 on 03:12:2001 10:47 AM: Yeah that's me. I usually go to the Foster arcade. I'll probably see you soon then. ~The one the only Strider~ Posted by Master Strider 77 on 03:14:2001 03:08 AM: Hello, it's me again. I'm still looking if anyone knows the infinite for strider on MVC2.(Not aganist Sentinel) Here's a new combo:,j.lp,,c.lp,,,OTG,,c.fp Super jump lp,lk,lp,lk,lk double jump lp,lk,lp,lk,lp,Lp Excalibur. Enjoy and have fun!! ~The one the only Strider~ Posted by supastar911 on 03:14:2001 05:51 AM: I don't know the Strider infinite (only on Sentinel) but if u go to they have a faq page that has a list of a lot of infinites. see u soon. don't watch your back, cause I'm coming from the front Posted by Dc1 on 03:14:2001 06:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by Master Strider 77: Finally, I was wondering how to get a double jump combo to end up on the other side all the time. I've done it a few times when I was slow to double jump but that was about it. Do you know if the strider infinite still works on MVC2 cause if it does I'm going to make it a point to learn it. I have the DC version of MVC2 so I can use the training mode. As a matter of fact I know a pretty good combo. Start oroburos then do lp constantly till the time bar is almost out, then do lp,lk,lp,lk,fp or fk then psylocke anti-air asst. after that do Ragnorok after psylocke finishes saying psy-blade. It does about 60% damage. Also there's another one I know: Opp. in the corner,,j.lp,,lp,lk,lp,lk,hp or hk psylocke anti-air asst. hk vagula(teleport kick), OTG, lk,c.fp,sp,lp,lk,lp,lk,double jump,lp,lk,lp,lk,Lp exacalibur or hp,hk. ~The one the only Strider lp,c.fp hey i discover somthing like that a long time ago it's a little different than yours but it's about the same, i think u pretty got my combo(not to take credit away from u), so here are two more combos involving psylock's anti-air assist: 1)can start anywhere:jump-in fp, rk, land dash, wp, wk, mp, mk, fp+psylock assist, call tiger, assist hit, tiger otg, dash, otg again with c.wk, c.fp, sj.wp, wk, mp, mk, double jump, wp, wk, mp,mk,wp, the slash thing up with wp(about 60-70 damage) 2)best at the middle of the screen:jump-in fp, rk, land dash, wp, wk, mp, mk, fp+psylock assist, teleport with p to other side, pause long enough so u can catch them with wk, mk, befor they hit the ground this pop them up and allow u to land first, now do , s.wp, c.fp, then do a aircombo of your choice from there. it's hard to time right every time, but look ver interesting. hey, it's good to see someone love strider and psylock as much as me, another thing did u ever notice they have the same winning pose? Dc1 out! Posted by Master Strider 77 on 03:14:2001 06:52 AM: I've got a quick question for all you Strider players out there. Have you ever been able to OTG a person with Excalibur or out of Ragnorok? Oh yeah DC1 did you know that after the Tiger hitting them OTG you can do Ragnorok? ~The one the only Strider~ Posted by Dc1 on 03:14:2001 08:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by Master Strider 77: I've got a quick question for all you Strider players out there. Have you ever been able to OTG a person with Excalibur or out of Ragnorok? Oh yeah DC1 did you know that after the Tiger hitting them OTG you can do Ragnorok? ~The one the only Strider~ u can otg with excaliber after a dog otg and pop opponent up in the air on in the corner, i'vve never seem to otg after the grab super and yeah i do your orusboro into ragnorak all the time with psylcok Dc1 out! Posted by Master Strider 77 on 03:14:2001 11:13 AM: DC1 I meant after excalibur happens. If you do a lp version it'll take them into the air and sometimes you can land before them. I haven't been able to OTG that but it's possible I know it. It was part of a really long combo with Strider. ~The one the only Strider~ Posted by Dc1 on 03:15:2001 01:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by Master Strider 77: DC1 I meant after excalibur happens. If you do a lp version it'll take them into the air and sometimes you can land before them. I haven't been able to OTG that but it's possible I know it. It was part of a really long combo with Strider. ~The one the only Strider~ well i've tried that before, but u can't do anything after the excaliber, because i was falling at the same speed as the falling opponent, and i try everything but no move come out. where did u heard about this long combo? Dc1 out! Posted by Master Strider 77 on 03:15:2001 02:30 AM: I don't remember it was a long time ago...but I have been able to do excalibur in such a way that I land way before the opponent but I still can't do anything. I know you can do it after hp,hk in the air if done right but that's all I know so far. ~The one the only Strider~ Posted by Master Strider 77 on 03:16:2001 07:13 AM: I've got another combo for those of you out there who use Magneto and Strider in a team. Strider at point:lp,lk,lp,call magneto(type-b asst.)lk,,ame no murakumo,Ragnorok or c.fp super jump lp,lk,lp,lk double jump lp,lk,lp,lk,lp excalibur. Oh yeah what's the most regular hits you guys have gotten in the air with Strider on one super jump. Once I did lp,lk,lp,lk,lp,lk,lp and could've jumped again! If any of you guys know the secret any help would be great. Peace ~The one the only Strider~ Posted by on 03:16:2001 07:26 AM: Just use his Sentinel infinite, it's infinite and long. I broke my fist, but I still look cool. Posted by strider_hien on 03:16:2001 07:43 AM: I don't think it's possible to OTG after the Excalibur, i've tried many times, but i've failed. I have OTG'ed after the Ragnarok several times, and the timing is hard!! You have to press d.wk RIGHT AFTER you gain control of Strider again. Then you can chain into a launcher and do this combo : wp, wk, mp, mk, Lp excalibur. I just finished playing Mvc1, and i noticed several interesting variations of his Double jump air combo here they are: 1)Launcher: wp, wk, wp, wk /\ wp, wk, mp, mk, Lp excalibur this combo works!! Make sure that when you get the first 2 hits, that you are at the climax of the jump, the next 2 are on the descent 2)Launcher: mp, mk, wp, wk /\ wp, wk, wp, wk, LP excalibur Same timing as the last one 3)Launcher: wp, wk, mp, mk /\ wp, wk, wp, wk, mp, lp excalibur same timing, just press the 2nd part a bit faster since you want to squeeze in that last hit. You can take the first part from anyone of these combos, and mix it in with the 2nd part of a ANOTHER combo, to create you're own variation Strider was like God in this game Posted by Master Strider 77 on 03:16:2001 07:45 AM: The reason why I made this post was to find out how to do an infinite I could use aganist everyone not just Sentinel. It's not that often I play aganist a Sentinel player. What do you know besides that to use on anyone? ~The one the only Strider~ Posted by Master Strider 77 on 03:19:2001 05:19 AM: It's me again. I need something...i need a new Strider combo. Anyone know anything good post it please. FYI I don't use Dr. Doom, but I still win alot. I use psylocke, magneto,and strider. lp,lk,lp,lk,call magneto,,ame no muraknomo,ragnorok. (call magneto at the same time as the lk.) ~The one the only Strider~ Posted by *Magneto* on 03:19:2001 05:45 AM: Lets see I would say that Magneto one it goes.... Throw+Hp(dash)lk,launch,Hk(dash),Hk,hypergrab,then lk,launch,lp,lk,mp(pause)lp,lk,mp,mk(air dash),repeat,Hp.about 22 or 23.. Fool! Your weapons are metal! And all metal is but putty in the hands of the Master of Magnetism! Posted by The President of FIFA on 03:19:2001 07:13 AM: exactly what is otg? "on the ground"? Posted by Dc1 on 03:21:2001 04:16 AM: i got another air-combo for strider, actually i learned this after some guy i played and i don't want to take credit away from him, so here it goes: jump-infp, rk, land, dash, wp, wk, mp, c.fp, sj., wk, mp, mk,pause, wk, mk, dj., wp, wk, mp,mk,wp,wp excalibur alos otg means"off the ground" Dc1 out! Posted by Master Strider 77 on 03:21:2001 09:52 AM: Here's a new combo for Strider w/Psylocke asst. It causes 70-85% damage! Bomb Drop, teleport kick,OTG(off the ground) lk,lp,fp,(call psylocke(AAA) Ragnorok.~15-17 hits 101dmg DC version. Air Combo version: Bomb Drop, teleport kick,OTG lk,lp,fp (call Psylocke(AAA) c.fp super jump lp,lk,lp,lk double jump lp,lk,lp,lk,lp Excalibur...~22hits 91dmg DC version. All combos were done aganist Cable but works aganist anyone. The Damage varies a bit from person to person but it's always alot. Most damaging air combo I've seen in the game...besides Magneto and his Bastardly Magnetic Tempest combo. Which I use by the way ~The one the only Strider~ All times are GMT. The time now is 10:42 PM. Show all 33 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.